Taking a Break

DON'T FORGET: Spring Refresh Days are global company holidays on May 27 and May 28!

Unplugging from work

We all need to unplug from work now and then to really feel refreshed. It’s a good practice to build in small breaks each day, to focus on the breath, do some stretching and take a walk if possible. Working at home doesn’t mean we have to work around the clock ... and taking a day off can bring you back refreshed and rejuvenated.

Spring Refresh Days are here!

We hope you enjoy your Cohesity refresh days on Thursday and Friday, May 27-28.

In case you don’t have plans yet, here are seven ideas on how to celebrate the time:

  1. Start that book you've had on your nightstand since January.

  2. Detox digitally, get outside and enjoy the break from screens.

  3. Volunteer in your community and support a cause that is meaningful to you.

  4. Declutter and organize a room in your home to feel a sense of refreshment in your space.

  5. Spend the day saying “yes” to all the ideas your kids have for a day.

  6. Reserve a pampering appointment or give yourself a spa night to relax.

  7. Set a timer for five minutes and unsubscribe from emails you don't need to reduce your digital clutter.

Respecting Time off

It’s important to take a break from work, to recharge yourself. The hiatus allows your brain to reset, coming back refreshed. While we work at a rocket’s pace, the constant acceleration can leave you feeling exhausted. It’s more important now than ever to take mini retreats from the work scene.

Studies show that employees are reluctant to step away from work with no “traditional” vacation options available to them. Local lockdowns and travel restrictions shouldn’t prevent you from relishing in time off from work to spend on activities you enjoy, with those you love, and even taking the day at a slower pace to feel refreshed.

Managers should encourage their team members to take time off. Read six strategies on how managers can approach vacations with a workforce that is working from home. Most importantly, respect your time off by unplugging and resist the urge to reach out to teammates who are taking a much-needed break.

OOO Messages

The idea of employees marketing Cohesity through their out-of-office reply originated from – you guessed it – an out-of-office reply. It was one that a colleague received from Scott Harrison, CEO of charity: water. Harrison was in Ethiopia working on community-owned water projects and his reply included this creative line of text:

Wonder what we’re up to? If you haven’t seen and joined “The Spring” yet, it’s worth the watch!

Imagine using your out-of-office reply to spread the word about the Cohesity brand and to tell the world what we are up to. For example:

Hello – thanks for your message. The Cohesity team is out of the office for a few days - recharging. It’s an opportunity for us to take care of ourselves and put our well-being first during a challenging year.

I will respond to emails after June 1. In the meantime, I invite you to watch: Data Management for the Multicloud Era.

The out-of-office link Harrison provided was a powerful video that tells his story and that of the organization he founded.

How to feel connected to my family and community

Feeling lonely is a normal human emotion. But, when you feel isolated for long periods of time, it isn’t only unpleasant, it’s can be bad for your health. Here are four ways you can build a connection with others:

Small Acts of Kindness: Taking a moment to do something kind can be more impactful than you know. This can look like a quick phone call to a friend, donating to your co-worker’s charity or spending extra time helping your friend on a project they are passionate about. A simple “Hello, how are you?” is a meaningful act that shows you are present and that you care.

Gather a virtual volunteer group: Whether it’s writing thank-you notes on behalf of nonprofit organizations, preparing and serving meals, or being a supportive listener for troubled youth, volunteering can build and benefit communities.

Maintain or extend your community involvement: Attend an event that’s being hosted by a religious, spiritual, or local organization that you are interested in or are curious about.

Talk to your family and friends: It may feel uncomfortable to schedule time in your day to check in with someone you haven’t chatted with lately but it will help you feel connected to your circle of support.

"Escapescape": In this sound-rich, kaleidoscopic episode, journey around the planet and then beyond it. Listen if you want a boatload of fresh air, fields of wildflowers, stars, birds, frogs and a riveting tale involving Isaac Newton and a calm beyond any calm you knew could exist.

Eating has become a mindless act, often done quickly. If you eat too fast, the fullness signal may not arrive until you have already eaten too much. By eating mindfully, you restore your attention and slow down, making eating an intentional act instead of an automatic one. Try these tips to get started.

Want to not only fall asleep quickly but also stay asleep longer? Sleep scientist Matt Walker explains how your room temperature, lighting and other easy-to-fix factors can set the stage for a better night's rest.